Refund and cancellation Policy
This website is operated by Attest Advisory OÜ (registry code 14048720, address Padriku tee 12/3-4, 11912 Tallinn, Estonia). Throughout this document, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Attest Advisory OÜ.The following list of legally enforceable agreements affect you as a customer and Attest Advisory OÜ. Please ensure that you understand all of these Terms and Conditions, as they impact your usage of this website and any of the material contained within.
Withdrawal from an agreeement
Force Majeure
If a Force Majeure incident takes place in conjunction with these terms, we will inform the customer as soon as possible. Either party has the right to revoke this contract once the Force Majeure incident has lasted for over 7 days. For any services, goods or products paid for beforehand that are yet to be delivered, the customer will be granted a full reimbursement from the revocation date.